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Kareri Lake Trek , Dharamshala ( Himachal Pradesh )

Kareri Lake is a high altitude , shallow , fresh water lake south of the Dhauladhar range and about approximately 9 km North West of Dharamsala in Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh. It  is about 3300 metres above the sea level . Snow melting from the Dhauladhar range serves as the source of the lake and a stream , Nyund is the outflow. Since the source is fresh melting snow and the lake is shallow, water visibility is very high and in most places, the lake bed can be seen. 

 Kareri lake is best known for being a trekking destination in the Dhauladhar range . The lake remains frozen from early December to March–April . There is a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva and Shakti on a hill . 

 A few gaddi kothis  are present on the other side of the lake, an area which is used by the gaddis as a grazing ground for their animals. Kareri Lake serves as a base for trekking further into the Dhauladhar and onward to Chamba and Bharmour via the Minkiani Pass (4250m) and Baleni Pass (3710m). 

The best time to  visit kareri lake is in May to July and September to December . In the month of December , the lake will freeze but you can enjoy the snow trek from Kareri village to Kareri Lake . 

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