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Rukmani Kund , Salasi Bilaspur ( Himachal Pradesh )


Rukmani kund is one of the famous  resource of water which is situated in Salasi village in Bilaspur distt. of Himachal Pradesh . This place has a great historical existence . There is a temple on the other side of kund dedicated to Rukmani .  The distance of Rukmani Kund from Bilaspur is about 27 km and is about 9 km from Auhar . This place is the popular spiritual place in Bilaspur where many local as well as other visit in summers , the most . Rukmani Kund providing water supply for many villages  for the purpose of drinking and irrigation .

In ancient time , The whole Auhar area was in  trouble  because of water  . The king was very worried about this . One day king had a dream that if his Son or his Daughter in law made sacrifice , then water could come out from resource . Then , daughter in law of the King ( Rukmani ) is buried alive in salasi vilaage . Rukmani sacrificed her life and a kund is formed there which is known as Rukmani Kund . 

Rukmani Kund is about 27 km from Bilaspur and 9 km from Auhar . Auhar is quite near to Kandror bridge  . It can be reach by personal vehicle only because of no bus facility  is availbale to Rukmani Kund . It can be reach by personal vehicle from Bilaspur to Auhar via Bhager and then Auhar to Rukmani Kund .

Every year a fair is organised there on the ocassion of Baisakhi . Many local and other people visi there on that day . This place has his own  great religious significance . It is also one of the best place to visit in Bilaspur distt. of Himachal Pradesh .

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