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Prashar Lake , Mandi ( Himachal Pradesh )

Prashar is a mid altitude lake situated in Mandi distt. of Himachal Pradesh .  Prashar Lake lies 49 km north of Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. This lake is situated  at a height of 2730 m above sea level.  The water of lake is deep blue in colour. This  lake is dedicated  to the Rishi Prashar . Rishi Prashar is regarded to have meditated there. The lake is surrounded by snowy peak . There is a round, floating island inside the lake.
This lake attracts tourists to come again and again because of its beauty and scenic view . This is also one of the famous tourist destination of Mandi distt. There is an ancient Pagoda style temple dedicated to Rishi Prashar , on the bank of lake. 
Every year a fair is organised by locals of Mandi distt. in the month of June .
In Tourism , this is the popular tourism destination . You can enjoy trekking , camping and another adventure activities there. It is the spiritual tourist destination where people from all over state visits anually. It is about 49 km from Mandi , Himachal Pradesh .  You  can reach there by bus or taxi or your own personal vehicle. 

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