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Flowers Photography


Summer isn't over just yet, and Bloom & Wild's summer collection of letterbox flowers are guaranteed to bring you pure joy .


Whether it's a one-off gift to yourself, a surprise flower delivery for a loved one, or a monthly flower subscription, flowers can instantly brighten a room and research has shown it can boost our mental wellbeing, which has been pivotal during lockdown.

We just love the smell of fresh blooms, and whatever the colour combination, a bouquet will always breathe new life into a space, whether it's the entrance hall or a corner of the living room. There's also something quite therapeutic about letterbox flowers in particular – from trimming the stems to artfully styling the flowers in a vase, the process is calming and fulfilling in equal measure.

You need to remember to cut your flowers at an angle, check the water level in your vase daily, refresh your water every couple of days, and keep your bouquet out of the sun.

'Direct sunlight evaporates the water in your vase, as well as the water in your flowers really quickly! So keep your bouquet somewhere cool, like a corner coffee table. And definitely not on the windowsill,' advise Bloom & Wild.

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