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Rewalsar Lake , Mandi ( Himachal Pradesh )


 Rewalsar is a beautiful natural lake situated  about 23 km from Mandi , Himachal Pradesh . It's altitude is about 1360m above sea level . Rewalsar is a  famous tourist destination ( religious ) of Hindu , Sikh and Buddhist community.There are famous temples dedicated to lord Shiva and lord Krishna and also famous Gurudwara and monasteries . One of the famous monastery of Rewalsar is Tso Pema monastery.  Every year many buddhist  tourists and other tourists visit here.

Rewalsar is one of the famous spiritual tourist destination in Mandi distt. of Himachal Pradesh . On the occasion of Baisakhi , people of all religion come to Rewalsar for a holy bath. There is also one another famous temple on the top of the hill. This temple is dedicated to Naina devi ji  ( Goddess ) and is about 10 km from the lake. It is believed that one eye of Sati fell on this place and temple is built on this place.

Rewalsar lake is about 23 km from Mandi , Himachal Pradesh . You can reach Rewalsar by bus or your own personal vehicle. It is the best destination to be visit in distt. Mandi of Himachal Pradesh .

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